Schneider News

Schneider moves
They are back on the track, the brave contestant of Bavaria's biggest running competition. Give them a hand!
We are hardly the first to try and shed some light on this muddled mystery. But since the positioning of the apron's knot to a "Dirndl" can reveal more about the relationship status of the wearer than any Facebook-Account, we'll give it yet another shot.
Schneider moves
No less than three teams were fielt by Schneider Weisse in this year's benefit race of Kelheim. Not only were they really fast, but also simply looked great. But see for yourself...
Schneider News
Yes, a lot of workl went into the preparation of our new campaign. But it was worth it, we think - and quite a bit of fun as this little insight behind the scenes surely shows. We'd like to thank everyone involved once again a thousand times!
Today our TAP 4 "Meine Festweisse" is famous as the perfect companion for festive occasions throughout the year ... originally however this finely tuned aromatic wheat beer was somewhat more exclusive ... join us on a little journey through time.
144 catering businesses more than 100 fairground rides on 51 acres ... no wonder it's so easy to get lost on the so called "Wiesn". Thankfully there is now a couple of new apps that make it easy for you to find your way around ...
Schneider News
Unfortunately the pleasures of Schneider Weisse wheat beers were as yet not accessible everywhere on this planet. As yet ...
It simply pops up, once in a while, the question, what the term ›TAP‹ refers to in the world of Schneider Weisse ... well, we are happy to shed some light on the matter!
Schneider moves
A few days after the end of Munich's Oktoberfest there is a great chance to redeem yourself for all those little sins that come in form of boiled chicken and cotton candy. So get a move on at the Munich Marathon on October 8th 2017 ...
Mug up
While you are hopefully enjoying your well deserved holidays, we keep sweating over providing refreshing wheat beer specialities for you all summer long. So we're always happy to hear from you ...
Schneider News
We appreciate the wish of so many friends of Schneider Weisse-Freunde and will bring back our legendary TAPX Nelson very soon ...
Schneider News
With passion and experience for great taste ... that is our credo. Hence we follow - for once somewhat immodestly - the principle of ›do good things and talk about it‹. Because great wheat beer can't really have enough followers we present the first motifs of our brand new campaign.

For a quart of ale is a dish for a king.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

The world belongs to those who enjoy it.

Giacomo Leopardi (1798-1837)

Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.

Dave Barry (*1947)

Pleasure – that is what we seek in everything.

Seneca (Roman politician and philosopher, around 1 - 65 a.D.)

I adore simple pleasures.
They are the last refuge of the complex.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Time does not cause age, it simply escorts change ...

Georg VI Schneider (*1965)

Beer is a truly divine medicine.

Paracelsus (around 1493-1541)

No pleasure is temporary - because the impression it leaves behind remains.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)